
This section is intended to give a quick overview of how 0sim and the associated tools are intended to be used. Feel free to skip to Getting Started if you already know.

Design Diagram

The suggested workflow (the one we use) is to dedicate one machine to 0sim to run experiments. One would then drive this machine remotely from some local machine, such as a desktop workstation, via SSH.

This repository contains a few tools we have developed and found useful in addition to 0sim. The paper (linked above mostly covers 0sim), but we rarely interact directly with 0sim. Instead, we drive it using the tools in this repository: runner and jobserver.

  • runner: executes commands on the remote machine in 0sim. runner takes care of reproducible setup and execution. It also saves a ton of time. In general, runner has two types of subcommands:

    • setup* commands do setup/configuration work.
    • exp* command runs experiments.
  • jobserver: makes it easy to run a large number of experiments on one or more machines with possibly different parameters, collecting the results and logs in one place on the local machine for processing. The jobserver is more like a bookkeeping program that just forks off instances of runner to do the real work.


You will need two machines:

  • one to run 0sim (since 0sim is a modified Linux kernel + KVM). We call this machine the remote. You need to be able to SSH to this machine without a user password or RSA key passphrase.
  • one to run the runner. This machine should have a persistent network connection, so we would recommend some lab machine or a desktop machine. We call this machine the local.

Local machine requirements

  • You will need stable rust on your local machine to build and run runner. We use 1.35, but slightly older versions should also work, and any newer version will work. You can get rust here.

  • You will need an internet connection for cargo to download dependencies.

  • You will need passphrase-less SSH access to the remote machine from the local machine. That is, you will need to use SSH, and the SSH key that must not have a passphrase.

  • runner should compile and run on Linux, MacOS, or Windows, but we have only tried Linux.

Remote machine requirements

  • The remote machine should be running CentOS 7. Newer versions may work, but we have not tested them.

  • The remote machine should have your SSH key installed in authorized_keys.

  • You must have password-less sudo access on the remote machine.

  • The remote machine must be an Intel x86_64 machine (AMD virtualization extensions are not supported yet).

  • The remote machine must have an unused drive or partition that can be used for the swap space to back the simulator.


  • 32GB RAM or more
  • 1-2TB of swap space, preferably SSD
  • See this section for recommendations of CloudLab instances.

Other requirements

  • If you are using a private fork of this workspace, you will need a GitHub Personal Access Token to run setup00000, which is the main setup routine. See these instructions for GitHub Tokens.

  • You will need access to the multifacet/0sim-workspace repo and its submodules because they will be cloned to the remote machine.

Getting Started

The workspace contains a bunch of tools, described in the contents section. The most important are the runner and 0sim itself. The runner drives experiments and contains a library for writing and driving other experiments. There is an emphasis on reproducibility and ergonomic usage. jobserver is useful for running large numbers of experiments on one or more remotes with one or more variations of parameters.

  1. Ensuring requirements (see above). Don't skip this or things will break.
  2. Cloning and building the runner
  3. Using the runner to set up another machine with 0sim
  4. Using the runner to run a simulation with 0sim
  5. (Optional) Using the jobserver to run a large number of experiments with the runner

Cloning and Building the runner

  1. Clone this repository to the local machine (not the remote, runner will do that automatically).

    git clone https://github.com/multifacet/0sim-workspace.git

    Note, you only need to clone this repository, not all of the submodules. In particular, you do not need to clone 0sim, which would take a long time.

  2. If needed, edit the constant RESEARCH_WORKSPACE_REPO at the top of ./runner/src/common.rs. This specifies the location and access method of the workspace repo (this repo). NOTE: this is the access method that is used to clone the repo on the remote, so make sure that it works there. For example, make sure that necessary private keys are installed there if using SSH.

    • If you are just using our public repository from github, you can leave it as is.
    • If you are using a private fork of our repository, you should change the constant to GitRepo::HttpsPrivate with the appropriate values filled in.
    • If you are using SSH to access the repo, you should change the constant to GitRepo::Ssh.
    • See the documentation comments on the GitRepo type just below the constant.
  3. Build the runner. This may take a few minutes. This requires rust + cargo, as the runner is written in rust. You can install rust from here.

    cd runner
    cargo build
  4. The runner is now built. The compiled binary is ./target/debug/runner. You can pass the --help flag to see usage. It has a bunch of possible subcommands. They do various setup operations or run experiments.

    • NOTE The runner must be run from the 0sim-workspace/runner directory; i.e. always run it as ./target/debug/runner <args>

Using the Runner to install 0sim on a remote machine.

  1. Make sure the remote machine (the one that will run 0sim) is set up as described in the requirements. Specifically, you need passwordless access to the remote and you must have root access (since you will be installing a new kernel on it).

  2. (Optional) If you are running on Cloudlab, the default root volume is only 16GB, which is not enough. You can pass another volume to be formatted and mounted as the root volume by passing the --home_device flag in the command in the step below.

  3. (Optional) 0sim requires a swap device to back its simulated memory, even though we likely won't write to most of it many workloads. The runner has two flags that allow different swap devices to be set up automatically:

    --mapper_device sets up a 10TB thin-provisioned device-mapper device.

    --swap uses the given devices for swap space.

    See the --help usage message for more info.

    You can skip this for now and set up a swap device later if you want.

  4. (Optional) If you would like to build and install a recent kernel (see the KERNEL_RECENT_TARBALL constant in src/common.rs) in the target, use the --guest_kernel option. Alternately, you can install whatever kernel you want manually.

  5. Run the following command, which will do all setup necessary, including cloning the workspace, compiling 0sim, and installing it. This takes about 1 hour on our machine, but it will vary depending on how many cores the remote has.

    ./target/debug/runner setup00000 $ADDR $ME --host_dep --create_vm \
    --host_bmks --prepare_host --host_kernel master --clone_wkspc \
    # optionally (if not using public repo) --secret $TOKEN
    # optionally --home_device /dev/sdc --mapper_device /dev/sdb

    where $ADDR is the SSH address:port of the machine (e.g. mark.cs.wisc.edu:22), $ME is the username that will run the experiments, and $TOKEN is the GitHub Personal Access Token.

    There are also some additional flags you can pass (e.g. to disable EPT or build extra benchmarks), including the flags from the previous steps. Run the following command to see what they are:

    ./target/debug/runner setup00000 --help

    NOTE The runner must be run from the 0sim-workspace/runner directory; i.e. always run it as ./target/debug/runner <args>

Using the Runner to run experiments on a remote machine.

Experiment scripts are implemented as modules of the runner program. Each one exports a subcommand. You can see all of the available experiments by passing the --help flag to the runner:

./target/debug/runner --help

runner is extensible and contains a library of useful function for adding new experiments in the form of new modules/subcommands.

runner also contains infrastructure for recording parameters and code versions of the experiments to improve reproducibility.

  1. Implement your experiment as a subcommand of the runner or choose one of the existing experiments.

  2. Choose the parameters you want to use for experiment. Pass --help to the experiment subcommand to see available parameters.

  3. Run the following command on the local machine:

    ./target/debug/runner expXXXXX $ADDR $ME ARG1 ARG2...

    where $ADDR is the IP:PORT of the remote SSH server, $ME is the remote user that will be used to run the experiments, and ARG1, ARG2, etc are the arguments to the experiment. For example, one might run the following:

    ./target/debug/runner exp00000 marks-machine.cs.wisc.edu:22 markm 4096 1 -m

    NOTE The runner must be run from the 0sim-workspace/runner directory; i.e. always run it as ./target/debug/runner <args>

  4. Wait for the experiment to terminate.

  5. Most experiments output results to a directory on the remote: $HOME/vm_shared/results/. These results can then be moved to wherever they will be consumed. There are a few different output files for each experiment:

    • The data generated by the experiment (usually .out, but some experiments use other extensions, especially if there are multiple generated data files).
    • The parameters/settings of the experiment (.params), including the git hash of the workspace.
    • The time to run the experiment (.time).
    • Infomation about the platform and target, useful for debugging (.sim), including the output of lscpu, lsblk, and dmesg, memory usage, and zswap status.

Using the jobserver to run many experiments.

The jobserver exists to solve a problem that we often ran into while developing 0sim:

  • One has multiple machines to run experiments on (e.g. multiple cloudlab instances).
  • One has many experiments to run.
  • The experiments need to be rerun with a bunch of different combinations of the parameters.

Trying to manage this all by hand is extremely tedious, time consuming, and inefficient. The jobserver does this for you.

For more info on how to use the jobserver, please see the jobserver README.


Recommended Hardware/Profile

  1. The following profile allows for easy creation of one or more Centos 7 instances: https://www.cloudlab.us/p/SuperPages/centos-n-bare-metal

  2. The c220g2 instance type is well-suited for 0sim.

    • There are two spare drives: a smaller SSD (usually /dev/sdc) and a large HDD (usually /dev/sdb). Depending on how data-oblivious your workload is, you may want to make the HDD your swap space because it is larger, even though it is slower.
    • You can use the --mapper_device, --swap, and --home_device options of the runner with setup00000 to setup a cloudlab machine. See the usage message.

Cloudlab Troubleshooting

  1. On occasion, there is a Mellanox RDMA driver that conflicts with KVM/QEMU's install dependencies. You will get an error while running setup00000. Uninstall the Mellanox driver; we don't need it. The restart the script.

  2. There is a bug in the spurs library that we have yet to debug. Often the script will crash with the unhelpful error no other error listed. Usually this happens just after we finish setting up the host and rebooting it in setup00000. In this case, just restart the script. You can use the -v flag to set up only the VM, which is what we want.


We will collect common issues here as they are reported...

  • Vagrant error: Call to virDomainCreateWithFlags failed: internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 2019-11-26T23:49:09.807847Z qemu-kvm: unrecognized feature phys-bits

    • Cause: This happens because libvirtd is using an old version of QEMU packaged with Centos which is masking the recent version compiled from source by runner.
    • Solution: Uninstall the old version: sudo yum remove qemu-kvm, and restart libvirtd: sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
  • Out of memory (OOM) killing: The target workload is OOM killed near the end by the target kernel.

    • Cause: unfortunately, the exact amount of memory used by a workload running on Linux and the exact amount of memory available before triggering the OOM killer are both difficult quantities to estimate. They vary from system to system.
    • Solution: sometimes rerunning the workload may be sufficient. Sometimes it is necessary to modify the runner script for the experiment to create a larger target or a smaller workload. Some scripts also have flags to modify the workload size.
  • Kernel ENOSPC when swapping + no apparent progress.

    • Causes: if a thinly-provisioned swap space fills up, the device mapper system will return a ENOSPC error to the swapping subsystem. One can see this error in the kernel log on the platform (via dmesg).
    • Solution: You need a large physical storage device to back the thin-provisioned device mapper device.
  • swapon: /dev/sdk: read swap header failed: Invalid argument or similar on a machine with many storage devices.

    • Causes: often the devices will move around and get different names after a reboot. This means that if you configured (via setup00000) 0sim to use a particular device (say /dev/sdk) for swap space, it might fail after a reboot.

    • Solution: pass the --unstable_device_names flag to setup00000 along with your other arguments. For example:

      --swap sda sdh sdi --unstable_device_names

      This will cause setup to use device-id based paths, which are stable.

Known Issues

There are some issues of which we are aware but do not have a good solution.

  • SSH Errors: "Broken pipe" or "Unable to create channel" or variants

    • Cause: This happens because the target gets so far behind the platform that the SSH connection times out. Unfortunately, this often happens for large simulations.
    • We also suspect that this issue is worsened when Intel EPT (nested paging) extensions are enabled. One can use runner setup00000 to disable EPT (see usage message).
  • Unable to boot target larger than 511GB. vagrant up hangs at "Waiting for guest to obtain IP" or "Waiting for guest to respond SSH".

    • Cause: Often this happens on standard personal computers (as opposed to server-class machines) when Intel EPT is enabled. These are part of Intel's extended/nested paging extensions. Most non-server processors we have tested have 39 physical-address bits, which is enough to address 512GB of memory. By enabling EPT, the processor is forced to translate addresses that are too wide. QEMU manifests this by conveniently and inexplicably hanging at guest boot time without any error messages.

    • Solution: Disable EPT on the platform machine. This can be done through the runner (setup00000):

      ./runner setup00000 {MACHINE} {USER} --disable_ept
  • Unable to boot target larger than 1028GB on machine without EPT on some machines.

    • Cause: We believe this is a KVM bug but are not 100% sure. The fact that 1024-1027GB machines boot and run indicates that this is not a hardware limitation.
  • Unable to boot large multicore target.

    • Cause: This also happens with stock KVM. We suspect this is due to some sort of hardware timeout when KVM emulates devices during boot, but we are not really sure.
    • Disabling TSC offsetting during target boot can solve this in some cases.
    • In some cases, running with 1023GB instead of >=1024GB resolves the issue. This seems like a KVM bug.
  • Hanging/Unresponsive Remote. Occasionally, the simulation platform becomes unresponsive. It is ok to forcibly reset the remote, even if the machine is booted.

    • This may cause the target's VM image to become corrupted. The image can be recreated by rerunning the appropriate setup* runner subcommands. Note that a subset of flags can be passed to setup00000 (e.g. one does not need to keep passing --host_kernel). The --DESTROY_EXISTING flag will destroy any existing target VM.