
Recommended Hardware/Profile

  1. The following profile allows for easy creation of one or more Centos 7 instances:

  2. The c220g2 instance type is well-suited for 0sim.

    • There are two spare drives: a smaller SSD (usually /dev/sdc) and a large HDD (usually /dev/sdb). Depending on how data-oblivious your workload is, you may want to make the HDD your swap space because it is larger, even though it is slower.
    • You can use the --mapper_device, --swap, and --home_device options of the runner with setup00000 to setup a cloudlab machine. See the usage message.

Cloudlab Troubleshooting

  1. On occasion, there is a Mellanox RDMA driver that conflicts with KVM/QEMU's install dependencies. You will get an error while running setup00000. Uninstall the Mellanox driver; we don't need it. The restart the script.

  2. There is a bug in the spurs library that we have yet to debug. Often the script will crash with the unhelpful error no other error listed. Usually this happens just after we finish setting up the host and rebooting it in setup00000. In this case, just restart the script. You can use the -v flag to set up only the VM, which is what we want.